Dreams to Reality: How Small Tweaks Can Transform Your Life

Big Picture: From Dreams to Reality

Ever had a dream to be a published author, a successful businessperson, or a respected professional? You are not alone! We all have goals, but wanting something isn’t enough to get you over the finish line. Often it’s some small tweaks that make the difference. Let me tell you how such tweaks transformed my nephew’s behaviour.

Why Should You Care?

None of us want to be mediocre. Even if we are average, we want to be that person people respect and admire. Not the one who just shows up at the office. You’re definitely better than that! However, like me, you likely often forget Albert Einstein’s insight; “Insanity is doing the same thing…and expecting different results.” So, how can you change your results?

From a German Fuel Guzzler to a Japanese Hybrid

My nephew recently sold his German fuel guzzler and bought a Toyota Cross hybrid. Yes, the one being built locally at the Toyota Durban Prospecton plant. This decision turned him from a “Lewis Hamilton” (the British Formula One racing driver) into that gogo down your road. That one who will not cut in front of a truck 3 kilometres away. So what changed with my nephew? The hybrid driving score system! It rewards eco-friendly driving, aka, gentle acceleration, coasting on slopes, and driving slowly. It’s more than eco-friendly, it’s also pocket-friendly. It’s amazing how simple metrics can change behaviour so drastically! So, how can you use simple metrics help you live on purpose?

Lesson: Purposeful Metrics

  1. Identify the key measures that drive your purpose. Want to be a writer? How many words do you write daily. Want to improve your qualifications? Track how many hours you study. Want to sound less like a professional whiner? Ask your colleagues to count how often you complain.
  2. Focus only on a few key metrics. Think of your car’s dashboard: fuel, engine temperature, and speed. What are your three key metrics that drive your purpose?
  3. Review your scores weekly. Compare this week to last week, this month to last month. If you wrote 10,000 words this week, please post it on social media! After that, how does that compare to last week? If you called 100 prospective clients this week, please tell your boss. After that, how does that stack up against the previous week?

Bottom Line

Often, we don’t live a purposeful life because everything is fuzzy. By tracking meaningful metrics, you can bridge the gap between your ideals and reality. Without measures, before you know it, the year is gone, and so are your 20s, 30s, and 40s, without achieving what matters to you. What measures can you put in place to keep yourself on track?


 “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”- Albert Einstein

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